In the "good old days", browsers were single-viewed: there was no such thing as tabbed browsing. If you wanted to browse multiple web pages at the same time, you had to open multiple browser windows. Web architectures, application servers and frameworks have evolved to satisfy this single view of the world by managing context at three different levels: application, session and request.
A request exists when the client sends a message to the server. The moment I open my browser google up some stuff, a request springs to life. This can store transient (short-lived) information, like the terms I want to search for, which are unlikely to be re-used after the request has been satisfied.
At the application level, a context exists for the entire life of the application, until the server is restarted. For example, I might need to audit certain user activities to a database, so I might want load the database connection details when my application starts up and store them in the application context.
Somewhere between the application context and the request context, a web application might also want to manage a user session. For example, when I am browsing my web mail, there must be some kind of information that persists between one request and the other, so that for example I don't need to login again if I move from one mail item to the next.
How does caching takes place and why?
Let's say I sell pizza, and that part of my web application has a search function that goes through my catalog and returns to the user all the pizza styles that match the user's choices. Let's also say that the application stores the search criteria in an object that can be cached, let's call it searchObj, so if the user refreshes the page (without changing the search criteria), the application saves time and resources by simply re-using the same data instead of making a new round trip to the database.
According to what we said above, if searchObj needs to be persisted across requests, it makes sense to cache it at the session level.
So here I am as a potential customer using this pizza web application, searching for pizza that contains ham, so I type "ham" in the input box, click the submit button and look at the resulting list. All the listed pizzas have ham in the ingredients. If I happen to refresh the browser, the application simply re-uses the same list without making a new round trip to the database.
Now let's say I open a new browser tab (not a new browser window) to display the results for a different search. This time I want to search for pizza that contains olives, so I type "olives" in the input box, click the submit button and look at the resulting list. All the listed pizzas have olives in the ingredients. Great.
Now I go back to the previous browser tab, the one with ham-based pizzas, and hit the refresh button. All the listed pizzas now have olives in the ingredients.
What happened?
It happened that searchObj was overwritten by the second search, but how?
Let's think of this scenario in a different way. Let's say I need some milk, and that I suffer from particularly bad memory, so before I forget I decide to write "Milk" on a post-it note and stick it to the door, then I go to get your jacket, car keys, etc. Now let's say my lodger, the sentient invisible pet chimp Iain, needs some fruit juice but instead of writing "Fruit Juice" alongside "Milk" on my post-it note, he decides to replace my post-it note with another one saying "Fruit Juice". Now I'm ready to go out, but of course I have forgotten what I needed to buy, so I pick up the post-it note from the door and happily go on to buy... fruit juice!
In this example, the post-it note is searchObj, Iain and I are the request-scope beans activated from two different tabs of the same browser, and the door is the session. Assume my house only has one door, the entrance/exit door (multiple tabs on the same browser share the same session).
How can we solve the problem?
In terms of "post-it note on the door", it's fairly easy: we draw two squares on the door and label them "Marco" and "Iain". Now we can use our own post-it notes, as long as we stick them in our own designated area on the door.
How does that translate into a web application?
We need to think of this type of context as sitting somewhere between the request scope and the session scope. If we think of each browser tab as a different "view" of our user session, then we can talk of view-level context and view-scoped objects. However, this is not a built-in functionality in the well-known web application frameworks or containers, so we need to simulate it, but how?
In the above example, we said the door represents the session, so we need to stick into the session some kind of container that can hold labelled compartments. How about a Map, for example a Hashtable? Yep, could do with one of those, but how do we actually generate the keys? In other words, how do we make sure that each tabbed view of the same browser unequivocally identifies itself when posting information to the session and retrieving information from the session?
I'm not sure we can handle the "unequivocally" part, but here's what I would do: I would use the coat check pattern, also referred to as the cloakroom pattern. I don't think you'll find that in reputable software engineering books, so don't bother looking.
This is a snippet from Wikipedia's definition of "Cloakroom".
"Attended cloakrooms, or coat checks, are staffed rooms where coats and bags can be stored securely. Typically, a ticket is given to the customer, with a corresponding ticket attached to the garment or item."
In particular, you'll see that tickets are generally given away in sequential order, and that you don't actually need to show personal ID documents when picking up your coat: you simply produce the ticket that was given to you when you gave them your coat. For our web application, the tickets are issued by some sort of decorator class that intercepts HTTP requests and does something like this...
- check if there is a querystring variable called "coatNum" (or whatever you fancy)
- if there is one, do nothing, otherwise increment an internal counter and use it to decorate the querystring by appending the "coatNum" variable name and value
For added security, some might argue that the view number should not be easily guessed, so sequential numbering is actually discouraged, but remember that we are talking about different tabs or views of the same browser window. In any case, just for clarity, I will stick to a counter that gets incremented every time it's used.
There is a second part to this: once we know what view number the request wants to use, how do we use that view number to organise our view-scope objects? We said we could use a Map, but where does that live? In the real life coat check scenario, let's say at a classical concert, there can be multiple coat rooms, with each coat room used by multiple punters. This might suggest that the Map holding view-scoped objects should be application-scoped. Even though it is possible to do so, it would require additional overhead in terms of resources, because *all* view-scoped objects for *all* users in the entire application. Also, we would have to write additional code to manage object expiry and cleanup, otherwise we would see the Map growing to infinity and beyond. There are also some security and privacy concerns, since every request would have access to *all* view-scoped objects.
One solution is therefore to stick the Map in the session, or a session-bound bean. As a result, the internal counter that identifies the view number must also be session-bound, so that it starts at zero every time a new session is generated.
In summary, here is what I would do every time a new request comes in:
- use an internal session-bound variable to generate view identifiers (e.g. a counter) and a session-bound Map to cache view-level objects
- intercept requests and check for a query string variable that identifies the view number
- if it's not present, then decorate the query string with a variable that identifies the view number
- if the session-bound Map already contains an object for the given view number, then discard the object received from the request and re-use the cached object instead, otherwise take the object from the request and cache it
- process the request and return a response to the client
In that case we don't simply have a session-bound Map, but rather a Map of Maps. In other words, the session-bound Map will still be keyed by view ID, but the value for a given view ID will be a Map of objects, keyed by object ID. We can therefore talk about a "view map" being a collection of "object maps".
This is the revised workflow:
- use an internal session-bound variable to generate view identifiers (e.g. a counter) and a session-bound Map (the view map) to cache view-level object maps
- intercept requests and check for a query string variable that identifies the view number
- if it's not present, then decorate the query string with a variable that identifies the view number
- for the view-level object that should be cached, find its identifier (might well be a simple obj.toString() call)
- if the view map contains an object map for the given view ID, then retrieve it, otherwise create a new object map and put it in the view map for the given view ID
- if the object map contains an object with the same object ID, then discard the object received from the request and re-use the cached object, otherwise take the object from the request and put it in the object map
- process the request and send a response to the client