19 March 2010

Software Engineering Wishlist #1

This is just the beginning of a wishlist for my software engineering and development world. Things I would like to be able to do, technology trends etc. I expect this wishlist to be continuously expanding, so this is only part 1.

I want to be able to...
...check my continuous integration status and logs from FaceBook.
...get my continuous integration results via SMS.
...update Bugzilla/Jira/whatever discussion threads via Twitter
...do some pair programming with something like Google Docs
...do some pair programming with a some kind of real-time plugin for Eclipse
...bring online and shut down continuous integration nodes with Google App Engine
...bring online and shut down full QA stacks with Amazon EC2
...manage user stories with my smartphone
...write actual code with my smartphone on the train and upload/synchronise it later
...use my smartphone as a code repository for small projects
...use my smartphone's voice recognition capabilities to actually dictate code to it
...perform code reviews with some kind of real-time plugin for Bugzilla/Jira/whatever

More to come.

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